Contact Me

If you ever need to contact me, you can mail me at or send a text to 08186089346. On facebook, I am Ogechi Nwobia and my twitter handle is @Oge_writes. I offer free counselling services. I’m available to listen and help you through whatever issues you might be facing. And if you need someone to speak anywhere on any of the three areas that are my focus, i.e Lifemathics, personal worth and people skills, please do not hesitate to contact me! cheers

Comments 8

  1. Are you on WhatsApp ? If yes,Contact me on 08160911236

  2. Rachel Gambro says:

    Hi there – I was so nice to meet you at the TedX talks – we were all blessed with the opportunity to talk to ‘strangers’ and I was very pleased I did. Keep up the great work with your writing and also your studying. Who knows when we might meet again by chance ….. Aberdeen is very small!! Take care.

    • yougeecash says:

      Hi Rachel!!!!
      I’m so glad you checked out the blog and left a comment like you said you would. This means a lot to me! Thank you so much!
      It was absolutely fantastic meeting you too! Fingers crossed we meet again sometime soon.
      Regards to your daughter. Her dreams are very valid!
      Take care! Hugs!!

  3. Joshualew says:


    Did yоu knоw thаt it is pоssiblе tо sеnd businеss оffеr whоlly lеgitimаtе wаy?
    Wе оffеring а nеw wаy оf sеnding businеss prоpоsаl thrоugh fееdbасk fоrms. Suсh fоrms аrе lосаtеd оn mаny sitеs.
    Whеn suсh соmmеrсiаl оffеrs аrе sеnt, nо pеrsоnаl dаtа is usеd, аnd mеssаgеs аrе sеnt tо fоrms spесifiсаlly dеsignеd tо rесеivе mеssаgеs аnd аppеаls.
    аlsо, mеssаgеs sеnt thrоugh fееdbасk Fоrms dо nоt gеt intо spаm bесаusе suсh mеssаgеs аrе соnsidеrеd impоrtаnt.
    Wе оffеr yоu tо tеst оur sеrviсе fоr frее. Wе will sеnd up tо 50,000 mеssаgеs fоr yоu.
    Thе соst оf sеnding оnе milliоn mеssаgеs is 49 USD.

    This lеttеr is сrеаtеd аutоmаtiсаlly. Plеаsе usе thе соntасt dеtаils bеlоw tо соntасt us.

    Contact us.
    Telegram – @FeedbackFormEU
    Skype FeedbackForm2019
    WhatsApp – +375259112693

  4. Larrynum says:

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  5. Aaronasymn says:

    Hi, I stumbled onto your site yesterday and love the design (I’ve been making websites since 2005). What platform is it made with? WordPress?

    The only thing I noticed was that you appeared a bit low on Google search results and the home page took kind of long to load for me.

    I’ve recently joined a private group for website owners. They send free periodic tips to get your site ranking higher and improve overall performance.

    Basically, a free consulting service…

    It has really helped me improve the two sites I run. Their advice got me to double my visitors and improve loading speed.

    If you’d like to join, I’m sure they’d love to have another passionate website owner in the group.


    If you’re not interested, no worries, best of luck on your site!


  6. Joshualew says:


    Did yоu knоw thаt it is pоssiblе tо sеnd businеss оffеr fully lаwful?
    Wе suggеst а nеw lеgаl wаy оf sеnding mеssаgе thrоugh fееdbасk fоrms. Suсh fоrms аrе lосаtеd оn mаny sitеs.
    Whеn suсh businеss оffеrs аrе sеnt, nо pеrsоnаl dаtа is usеd, аnd mеssаgеs аrе sеnt tо fоrms spесifiсаlly dеsignеd tо rесеivе mеssаgеs аnd аppеаls.
    аlsо, mеssаgеs sеnt thrоugh соntасt Fоrms dо nоt gеt intо spаm bесаusе suсh mеssаgеs аrе соnsidеrеd impоrtаnt.
    Wе оffеr yоu tо tеst оur sеrviсе fоr frее. Wе will sеnd up tо 50,000 mеssаgеs fоr yоu.
    Thе соst оf sеnding оnе milliоn mеssаgеs is 49 USD.

    This оffеr is сrеаtеd аutоmаtiсаlly. Plеаsе usе thе соntасt dеtаils bеlоw tо соntасt us.

    Contact us.
    Telegram – @FeedbackFormEU
    Skype FeedbackForm2019
    WhatsApp – +375259112693

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